Kauai, the garden island. It is called the garden island for a good reason, the nature is lush and green, with waterfalls, plants, wildlife, tropical rainforest, sharp mountains, canyons, jagged cliffs, and a coastline that should be part of the 7 world wonders. 

Na Pali with Blue ocean adventure

Some parts of Kauai are only accessible by foot, air, or sea. The infamous 17 miles long mountainous shoreline on the North Shore of Kauai, is one of those places you have to add to your bucket list. The Kalalau trail for instance, where you need a permit to hike, is so popular that the permits sell out very quickly. Luckily there are other ways to see Kalalau beach and the entire coastline. We didn’t get the permit for the hike, unfortunately. So we discussed what was worth it for us, by air or boat. I have already done it by boat, and it was gorgeous, so I wanted to give Pablo (my boyfriend) the same experience. 

After searching on google for the best-rated company to experience the Na Pali Coast by boat, I found Blue Ocean Adventure. Their website is very professional, and you can see that they have put their heart and soul into the company. They have outstanding pictures, good information, and 5-star reviews on Trip Advisor. 

Blue Ocean Adventure is committed to providing a safe and fun adventure. Cody, the owner of the company has hand selected the crew members of Blue Ocean Adventure, and they all share the same passion for the ocean.

The captains are all trained and very experienced. They quality check their boats every day and each of their crafts has water safety equipment and radio communication equipment. We felt very safe the entire boat ride. 

When we arrived at 7 AM, the crew members were already there to check us all in. Everything went smoothly, and exactly at 730 AM we were getting into the boats, but first, they told us all the safety procedures and how to get into the boat safely. They explained in detail how to sit on the boat to not fall off. 

They put on Hawaiian reggae music, danced, and sang along. They tried to connect everyone so it would be less awkward to be in a boat with several strangers. 

We passed Polihale Beach, the longest stretch of beach in the state of Hawaii. It is my favorite beach on Kauai, after Kalalau. Polihale was closed now, due to cleanup and some maintenance. We saw it from the boat though and it was still as beautiful as I remember. 

Then we kept going and the other boats had spotted dolphins, not just a few but hundreds. Such a cool experience being so close to nature and wildlife. The dolphins were spinning next to our boats, they stayed up close for a long time, playing around. 

We also spotted whales, mama, and the baby. They didn’t jump or anything, just floating, but we saw their fins and tales. They are incredible and I always get goosebumps when I spot them. They are so massive and incredible creatures. 

When we finally got closer to the Na Pali Coast, we stopped at several waterfalls, and caves, where we went inside, and snorkeling spots. We kept going and finally ended up at the final point; Kalalau beach. It is an incredible beach, with sharply jagged mountains, and waterfalls, very rugged and remote. I hiked it three times already, so seeing it from the boat felt very special to me. So many good memories! It is a very sacred place, you feel it once you enter the Na Pali Coast. It is very special. 

A really good experience going out with Blue Ocean Adventure, and I truly recommend them! You can book a trip with them here.

They have several price categories. One is the Na Pali Coast Adventure, which we did. The prices start at $155 - $179. Included in the price are sightseeing, snorkeling, whale watching, and a jumping picture with Kalalau beach in the background. 

It is possible to go on a private tour, but a lot more expensive. The price for a private tour to Na Pali Coast is $2,500 

They also offer the Na Pali Beach Landing Adventure where they go to several beaches where you can explore on land. Just know that they will not let you get off at Kalalau Beach since that is not allowed and they can get fined. Check out all their prices and different tours you can book on their website

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